MS4 Program

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has issued Chippewa Township an NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges from its small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). The Township’s MS4 system is inclusive of inlets, catch basins, storm sewers pipes, swales, and stormwater detention facilities, among many other facilities that collect, convey or manage stormwater. The MS4 Permit regulates discharges from the Township’s MS4 to the Waters of the Commonwealth with the intent of reducing the discharge of pollutants and increasing water quality to the maximum extent practicable. To comply with the requirements of the Permit, the Township must implement a plan to address the following six Minimum Control Measures:

  1. MCM 1 – Public Education and Outreach
  2. MCM 2 – Public Participation and Involvement
  3. MCM 3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. MCM 4 – Construction Site Runoff Control
  5. MCM 5 – Post-Construction Storm Water Management


Stormwater Ordinance

Please click the following link for latest ordinance information:

Stormwater Ordinance


Written Plans

Pollution Reduction Plan

Please click here for more information

Integrated Public Education and Outreach/Public Involvement and Participation Program

Please click here for more information


Annual Reports

Content and information Coming Soon. Please Contact Us with any questions you may have. Thank you.


Stormwater Information

Homeowners Guide to Stormwater

To print the Homeowner’s Guide, please click below.

Print This

MS4 Stormwater – Quick Resource Guide

To open the Quick Resource Guide, please click below.

Resource Guide

Additional Information:

The Drop you Drink is More than You Think

Solution to Pollution

After the Storm



Additional Information (Click to Download):

When It Rains It Drains
Car Washing
Illegal Discharges
Lawn Fertilizer


Additional Resources

For additional information, please click one of the following links below:

USEPA Stormwater Program

PADEP Stormwater